Saturday, August 30, 2014

Extra Blog: alert("Hello world!");

This past month, I have worked with my mentor in learning the structure of LA County's Internal Services Department (ISD), the Financial Reporting System (FRS), and learning how to program in JavaScript. Learning about these things gives me assurance that it was a good decision for me to choose Computer Programming as my senior topic. I found that the work I did and the subjects I will, and have already, start studying are very interesting. I've always enjoyed using computers, applying logical thinking, and creating things that work, so there couldn't be a better choice than Computer Programming. 

Below are some pictures that represent what I have done so far.

The ISD Logo.

The book my mentor goes over with me to show me how to program in JavaScript.
As with learning any other language, I displayed a message saying the iconic "Hello world!" with the code:
alert("Hello world");

My current working EQ is "How can an individual become a successful computer programmer in the 21st century?" Through my research these past weeks and from my study of JavaScript, I have come up with several answers that I think approaches the best answer for my working EQ. The following are my current, possible answers:

  • Having the end-goal in mind during programming
  • Continually learning new skills/knowledge as technology changes
  • Good communication/responsibility with those who work with you
  • Have good code design/structure
  • Dedication to learn/practice coding over a large period of time
  • Enjoy Computer Programming 

At the moment, I feel that the answer, "Continually learning new skills/knowledge as technology changes," is the most reasonable and strongest answer out of the ones I have made so far. This is because my mentor is constantly,and thoroughly, learn new programming languages and apply them in the workplace. She said that being in the field of work is a "Life-time learning experience" and that one would need to study out side of the regular 8 hour work day. Companies and organizations, such as the Justice Service within the ISD that my mentor works in, who are based around the work of programmers often send their employees to classes to learn a variety of new subjects such as working efficiently or how to operate under a certain kind of system. In addition to classes, countless amounts of new programming books and internet articles are constantly being published with the specifics of the latest versions of programming languages and many instant messaging boards are constantly exchanging help to those have problems. Also, many times in programming, one can even copy and modify a program that someone else had made. This become a learning experience in itself of new information. 


This explanation can be summed up with something Clint Shank, a writer of technological subjects, once said:

"Technology changes fast. Don't get left behind."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?

Alan Wu

Has a wide variety of knowledge in science, engineering, and computing and has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems. Knows co-workers who come from technological backgrounds.

2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?  

  • From your past experience, how should I approach Computer Programming in order to achieve mastery of this topic?
  • What are some ways I can apply the knowledge of Computer Programming in the real world?
  • There are numerous aspects of programming such as knowing syntax, having logical thinking, and keeping things in certain organizing formats. How might I go about learning all of these specific details of programming that may not be taught though books or internet articles?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Working EQ

1.  List your topic here: 

Computer Programming

2.  Write a question that helps to focus your research this month.

How can a person become a successful computer programmer in the 21st century?

3.  Post the working bibliography (WB) on the right hand side of the blog and share it so anybody can view it.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Mentorship Component

1. (Know) Using google doc (drive) link a log of specific hours and a description of your duties:

2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?

  • Contact Name: Lily Wu (Senior Application Developer)
  • Number: (909)-241-3771

3. (Need to know) What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?  List them.

  • How does one determine the steps needed to be taken and in what order before starting a project that use the Project Management Methodology (PMM)?
  • In what way can a programmer use code to accurately meet a customer's requests?
  • Are they any specific guidelines or formats one must put their code in?
  • What is the most efficient way to train and inform a new employee about how everything works within the system?

4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?.

The most important things I got from this experience were obtaining the general knowledge of the type of work I am getting into and learning the mindset one must have in order to fully succeed in the programming world. The general knowledge I received is important because it helps to show me what to expect in the following year and helps me to prepare myself for the work I will be doing. Learning these during the 10 hours of mentorship has allowed me to also gain the type mindset I must have to prepare myself mentally for what is to come. I learned that the those who succeed in the programming field of work must pay close attention to all details, no matter how small, within the assignments and projects they do. Therefore, in order to truly benefit and learn from this mentorship, I have given myself a similar mindset and will approach the upcoming ideas and concepts from a detail-oriented perspective.

5. What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.

The topic that I will be using for my senior project will be Computer Programming. 

The 10 hours I have completed with my mentor helped me to further solidify my previous choice of Computer Programming as my Senior Project topic because, not only was the 10 hours interesting and fun, but I also feel that this topic will help me in my future studies as I am planning on majoring in Computer Science and planning to have career related to computer programming.