[Note: I've done this blog 3 times now due to this Blogger phone app not doing what I want. This is either due to my inability to use phone apps properly, lack of a user friendly design, or the general lack of functionality phones can provide. I'd like to believe it's the last one on that list.]
As college appeoaches its finals week, my 5 hour, bi-weekly homework is finally coming to an end on Monday, Dec 1. What this means is that I will not only get a break from staying up till 3am, trying to finish half of what I'm supposed to accomplish, but that I will have more time to work on my independent component - creating a website using HTML, JavaScript, and a little bit of CSS. However, for the time being, I'm concentrating on finishing the last of this boring homework, writing this blog post, and, most importantly, finishing my UC application so I can submit it before Nov 30th when the UC servers get jammed.
As for my independent component, I am planning to first create a logo, then learn HTML formally through the use of my pretty HTML and CSS book, then design the layout of how I want it to look, and lastly, coding and testing it. I hope to get from this experience a clearer perspective of what a programmer does in the 21st century, what were some things that worked and did not work during this process, and whether my current answers will be stronger or weaker in answering mu EQ. But for the time being, I will (attempt to) enjoy my Thanksgiving break at Las Vegas - walking around during the day; sitting in my room and working on assignments at night.
[Another note: I can't put photos in here, so I can't really format this post with pictures in the way I want. I'll upload a picture here about this app. I don't really know where it will show. Someone, or maybe in the near future, me, should make an actually intuitive word processing application for mobile phones. But who uses their mobile phones for anykind of seriously formal work? I certainly don't. *looks away from cell phone screen as I type this]
Photo caption: This interface is misleading. If you exit this program without clicking 'done' at the top left, your progress is all erased. It's basically a "save" button, so why not label it "save." I mean, what if I'm not "done" and I want to save? There's no option for that, is there?