Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Extra Blog: JIIS

As the holidays continue to be moving along, my mentor and I met together to discuss the assignment JIIS, how I should work on it, and the procedure I should take in relation to the real work place. First of all, JIIS stands for "Jason Internet Information System" and is an assignment from my mentor to help me practice web application development. The JIIS is what I will be using as my independent component as the requirements and structure is closely modeled off of the Financial Reporting System (FRS) used in LA County.

Within the JIIS, the requirements consist of creating a logo, a login page, a banner and footer, links to different pages in the site, a welcome page, and under construction pages. The following is the sheet of current requirements for JIIS (Click to enlarge):

The JIIS Service Request Specifications

I will be making this with Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 and Photoshop for the graphics. Once I make these, I would need to get the approved by my mentor, as this is the procedure that the programmers and customers undergo. In the coming days, I will be learning HTML and CSS with my fancy book and will be creating the website and images.

Aside from Senior project, things I've been doing these past days consist of sitting at home, visiting my old, torn down school, moving rooms, searching for scholarships, and achieving exactly rank 10,000 in a video game (down from 7417). Hopefully this next year comes with great experiences as this our last winter break of mandatory school and our class will be moving towards college next year at this time. Cheers for the next year and the class of 2015!