Sunday, May 10, 2015

Extra Blog: Generating Reports in PDF Format

As an addition to the development of JIIS, I allowed for users to have a way to generate a report of the existing user records in a PDF format that could be downloaded, saved, and printed. On the report, it contained the title "JIIS User Profiles Report," the report generation date, the report page number, and the table of all the current user records in the JIIS_User_Profiles database table. My mentor helped to guide me through this process by directing me to which sample programs to review, as well as what I should replicate in the JIIS programs.

Also, in addition to implementing the ability to generate user profile reports, I changed the font color and size of the alert messages in the add and update forms so that they could be more noticeable. I changed the font color to be red and made the font almost the same size as the titles of those forms.

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