Thursday, February 5, 2015

Independent Component 1

(a) I, Jason Wu, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31.5 hours of work.”
  • Duckett, Jon. HTML & CSS; Design and Build Websites. Indianapolis: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print. 
  • Orme, Pete. "Principles for Successful Button Design." Tuts Plus. Envato, Feb. 13, 2013. Web. Jan 16, 2015. <>
  • Guglieri, Claudio. "20 Steps to the Perfect Website Layout." Creative Bloq. Future Publishing Limited, Dec. 9 2014. Web. Jan. 8 2015. <>
(c) Done
(d) I completed making JIIS, the website my mentor had me make based off of the FRS system used by the LA County courts. It contains 5 pages of information and a login page with 2 existing users right now.
Defend your work and explain its significance to your project and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work. Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work. 

JIIS contains a Login page with 2 users (made it easy to add more), passwords for those users, error messages displaying if the user or password was not found, header and footer bars, header tabs linking to each page, graphics that I made myself, and under construction and welcome pages. There are also a logout button and animation graphics.

Me learning CSS for the 1st time

Almost finished design of the login page

Back ground Code to the login Page

 Photoshop version of the login logo

Me saving and creating Header tabs

JavaScript code of the login Page

Me first testing the program

How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better? Please include specific examples to illustrate this.

Creating JIIS helps me to experince the process of creating web applications and helps me to learn how to think and create each element of a website. I gain experience in using Visual Studio Express and programming HTML, CSS, and Javascript together. It helps back up some of my answer to my EQ. I also gained experience in creating graphical image in photoshop.

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