Saturday, January 31, 2015

Extra Blog; /html

In the past month, I have started reading the book "HTML & CSS" by Jon Duckett that my mentor gave me. So far, it has been very informative, and breaks down fundamental ideas such as the syntax and structure of elements and tags of HTML as well as the concept of web browsing as a whole. It described how webpages are basically files that are sent from a web server to other computers that request them. It says how the part at the end of the URL describes which country's server it should go to, that server will then find the IP address and send that information back to the computer that requested it. Then, the computer will contact the web server's IP address and the web server will then send the webpage back to the computer to display on screen. This information was pretty interesting and was very informative. I haven't gone too far into the book yet, but the information has been very helpful; I feel confident in actually creating JIIS with the idea that I know what I'm doing.

Test run of what I learned in the first two chapters of the book.

As for the recent presentations that have just occurred this past week, I feel I did pretty good considering my lack of practice and stress. I feel, however, that with practice, i could have done even better and could have possible have gotten an AE for the component. As for the grading, I feel that some have an unfair advantage though as certain teachers give AE's and better grades in general for work that may be about the same quality as others who score less. Although it is somewhat difficult to regulate grading since each person's opinion (especially on what they consider AE, good, or above and beyond is), it is an issue that I think many feel should be addressed in some way. The definition of 'above and beyond' should be regulated by the teachers. Even if the students don't know, there would be a set standards between the teachers of what constitutes extra work and going 'above and beyond' in order to keep grading fair and consistent. Without it, grades become solely based on opinion and is not fair for the students.

In the next few weeks, I will be finishing up the HTML portion of the book and will complete JIIS to finish my 1st Independent Component.

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