1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
I am doing my mentor ship primarily in my mentor's work room at home where she has her computer and desk set up. Since my mentor is my mom and the room has everything set up, it is the most convenient place for us to meet and talk about different aspects of programming.
2. Who is your contact?
My mentor's contact information is 909-241-3771 for her cell phone and lilywu1001@gmail.com for her email address.
3. How many total hours have you done (total hours should be reflected in your mentorship log located on the right hand side of your blog like your WB)?
I have done 14 hours so far for mentorship hours this year (not including summer or independent component hours.)
4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
During the hours I have done so far, I have learned how programmers and customers work in the IRS, Information Technology branch of work and what it means to be a successful programmer. I was also taught different aspects of JavaScript code including basic coding ideas as well as general syntax. I also work on a mini project with the help of my mentor to put the code I had learned to practice and to gain experience in creating web applications. Lastly, my mentor helped me to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express, how to use it, and gave me the assignment JIIS.
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